In past years, my cycling season revolved around one major, week long bike tour. This year, I'm gonna try something, not just a little, but a lot different.
- Instead of a single, full week, I'm going to break my adventures into not less than five - 4 day weekends. By combining vacation, with flex time, I'm figuring I can up my days of adventure from 7 days to 20 days without using any additional vacation.
- Instead of solely bike touring, I'm going to diversify my mode of personal transport. The below pic is what Santa Clause brought me for a Christmas...
Now - before you go off donning sackcloth and smearing ashes upon your forehead, let me assure you, I am not walking away from the bike. There are still many more miles to ride in my legs and many more stories to be told. I am simply endeavoring to diversify. At a high level this is what I'm tentatively planning:
Weekend 1 - 4 day bike tour
Weekend 2 - 4 day hike
Weekend 3 - 4 day bike tour
Weekend 4 - 4 day kayaking trip
Weekend 5 - 4 day hike
At this point I don't know where or when, but you can rest assured that I will be sure to keep you in the loop as plans develop.
I realize that this blog is about bikes and I plan to keep it that way. But, as vain as it sounds, it is also about me. I will use it as a forum to also bring you, hopefully interesting tales of all my upcoming adventures whether they be on two wheels whirling, two legs walking or two arms paddling.
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