Saturday, February 16, 2013

I Rode My Bike Today - #30

I rode my bike was snowing outside...I rode the stationary trainer in the garage...

18 miles.


Tuesday, February 12, 2013

I Rode My Bike Today - #29

I rode my bike work...10 miles.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

I Rode... Series Explained

Hey everyone, I wanted to take a moment and explain the blog series I have going on entitled "I Rode My Bike Today". Some may characterize it as boring, monotonous, cryptic and such - heck, I don't even use complete sentences. I can certainly understand that perspective, but I would ask you to consider a few things. There's nothing tidy about life - it doesn't fit into a nice, neat, little package. Life is raw and filled with the unexpected. Life cannot be scripted - it is rarely lived in complete sentences and proper punctuation. I would ask my faithful readers to hang in there and try reading between the lines. Look for the small hints that underline the emotion. It isn't a puzzle, there are no hidden clues, it just me riding and writing. Finally, there are a couple other things I want you to keep in mind as this series progresses...

First - bike commuting isn't always a mountaintop experience. In fact, those type of experiences are the exception, not the norm. Riding everyday to and fro can be monotonous at times. That's especially true in the winter months. It revolves a lot around battling the weather and dodging catastrophes. But hang in there, put your head down and pedal through it, because there are longer and warmer and brighter days ahead.

Second - these cryptic daily entries are really telling a story, a much bigger story. A story about where I've been, how far I've ridden, what I've seen, what I've endured, how I felt...and much more. By the end, you won't only have gotten a glimpse of my year on the bike, you will have gone with me on every ride and your picture, just like the story, will be complete.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

I Rode My Bike Today - #28

I rode my bike work...unwind time at the tavern...5 miles.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

I Rode My Bike Today - #27

I rode my bike work...10 miles.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

I Ride My Bike Today - #26

I rode my bike today...close call with a bus...caught the tail end of a beautiful sunset...10 miles.

Monday, February 4, 2013

I Rode My Bike Today - #25

I rode my bike work...had to skip the tavern...studied life sucks...10 miles.

Friday, February 1, 2013

I Rode My Bike Today - #24

I rode my bike work...a stiff head wind to work again...a stiff head wind home's getting old already...10 miles.