I rode my bike today...to work...you know I ain't living right when...I had gale force headwinds riding to work...and...I had gale force winds riding home...what the crap is that about???7 miles.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
I Rode My Bike Today - #21
I rode my bike today...to work...shirt sleeve temps...nice break from the winter...12 hours later...I rode home...10 miles.
Monday, January 28, 2013
I Rode My Bike Today - #20
I rode my bike today...to work...went to the tavern afterwards...didn't ride home...5 miles.
Sunday, January 27, 2013
I Rode My Bike Today - #19
I rode my bike today...to the coffee shop...spent the afternoon studying...rode home with the sunset...9 miles.
Saturday, January 26, 2013
I Rode My Bike Today - #18
I rode my bike today...to the store...battling with ice in a couple places...
Along with tangled shoe laces...
1 mile.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
I Rode My Bike Today - #16
I rode my bike today...to work...my wife thought I crazy for riding...18 degrees...possibly the coldest day of the season...how could I not ride...it's all about bragging rights...8 miles.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Mystery Numbers
28 - 17- 21 - 20
The first is the temperature outside this morning as I ready for my commute and the remaining are the low temperatures forecasted for the remainder of the week. The winters in VA are relatively mild, normally I can count on one hand the number of days that the temperatures drop into the low 20's or teens. Well - this week alone is gonna practically fill up that one hand.
After the deluge of last week drove me to take my truck to work for 3 days, I am resolved to ride everyday this week! It's time to break out the cold weather gear...
Wool Underwear - Wool Socks - Mittens - Balaclava...Game on Mother Nature!
Monday, January 21, 2013
I Rode My Bike Today - #14
I rode my bike today...to the store...to buy onions and rice...good bet a Cajun dish is on the way...
Jambalaya...now dats what I'm takin bout...2 miles.
Sunday, January 20, 2013
A Keen Eye for Innovation
Most folks would have never noticed, but being the avid cyclist that I am, nothing, when it comes to bikes, escapes my keen eye...
Being always on the lookout for the latest and greatest technology. I know a jewel when I see one. On this trusty steed we see the latest innovation in the water bottle...1 gallon capacity...who would have thunk it. Only someone who sports the ultimate in rider comfort and frugality...torn seat cover...don't despair...fold up a towel and grab a roll of black, electricians tape...ahhhhh...bring on the miles!
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
I Rode My Bike Today - #13
I rode my bike today...to work...that afternoon it was raining...I didn't ride home...my wife picked me up...need to start packing rain gear...6 miles.
Monday, January 14, 2013
I Rode My Bike Today - #12
I rode my bike today...to work...that afternoon it rained...I didn't ride home...went to Tavern instead...10 miles.
Sunday, January 13, 2013
I Rode My Bike Today - #11
I rode my bike today...to the library...casual ride home through historic Hilton Village...
5 miles.
Saturday, January 12, 2013
I Rode My Bike Today - #10
I rode my bikes today...my touring bike to the gym...
53 miles.
Friday, January 11, 2013
Thursday, January 10, 2013
I Rode My Bike Today - #8
I rode my bike today...to work...2nd car this week didn't see me...wearing bright yellow...really...12 miles.
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
I Rode My Bike Today - #7
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
I Rode My Bike Today - #6
Sunday, January 6, 2013
I Rode My Bike Today - #5
Watched the sunset...
3 miles
A Bona Fide Mess
The obvious - notice the location of the left most headlight and the fact that it renders my brass bell ringer less.
The less than obvious - notice the location of both headlights with respect to my Cateye Wireless Computer. The Planet Bike Blaze headlights are amazing pieces of technology. They put out a steady beam that more than adequately lights up the road ahead and they also are capable of a strobing light that makes me highly visible to others. Lighting up the road and making myself highly visible are two very important functions. However, they they seem to emit some kind of electrical interference that renders my cycle computer completely and totally ineffective. My computer can be happily displaying my blazing speed of 13 mph one second and then I turn on the Planet Bike Blazes and I go from 13 mph to 0 mph in a flash.
What I gots myself here is what dey call a Bona Fide mess!
So to rectify these problems I first remove all the hardware.
And rearrange them to give each the the necessary space to perform their intended function.
There's probably some kinda parallel to real life here, but I'm not feeling particularly philosophical this morning, so I'll let that go and let my readers draw their own parallels.
Saturday, January 5, 2013
I Rode My Bike Today - #4
Thursday, January 3, 2013
I Rode My Bike Today - #3
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
I Rode My Bike Today - #2
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
New Year Resolutions - 2013
2. Increase my bicycle commuting distance - I will continue to commute by bike to work on a regular basis. However, in order to get in better shape and lose a little weight, I'm going to alter my route. My normal route is 5 miles each way. I want increase that to about 10 miles each way. Now I'll tell you upfront that things will come up that will make it necessary for me to take the more direct route and when that happens I will do so without remorse. However, I will work to make those instances an exception and not the rule.
3. Blog more - as I have admitted in a recent post and as you have undoubtedly observed, my blogging was sparse in 2012. I aim to change that this year. In fact I'll go out on a limb here and tell you that not only do I plan to ride each day as discussed in resolution #1, I'm gonna try to blog about it each day as well. I won't go so far as to make that a resolution, but I do hope that you will see a marked increase in my posts.
Well - there you have it - my Bike Related New Year Resolutions. Stay tuned to see how I do.