Friday, June 30, 2017

A Campsite with Trees?

Day 26 - 6/30/17 - Jeffrey City, WY to Rawlings, WY - 71 Miles

Average Speed - The Continental Divide keeps getting in my way

Lodging - Western Hills RV Park - $14
Can I get a site with some trees for shade?  The lady behind the counter didn't even answer, she just laughed.  I didn't take that as a good sign.  Southern Wyoming is not a land of many trees.

I was riding at 6:30 this morning.  The scenery was much the same as the last 2 or 3 days -  wide open spaces.  To tell you the truth, I'm ready for a bit of a change.  That'll have to wait a couple days until I get into Colorado, but let's take this a day at a time and embrace what today had for me.
Split Rock

My First Snake
It was cool out in the early morning and he was warming himself in the road.  I thought about poking him with a stick to see if it was a rattle snake, but there are no trees, so there are no sticks.  I let him be.

There was a bit more climbing today than I was expecting.  I crossed the continental divide twice.

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